Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hey guys

Hi everyone! Wow..I think I forgot how to type, I've haven't been on my laptop for soo long! I hope school and everything is going good! (:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Im ANOTHER author

I'm another author on mini skirts blog, :D
I'll still post on here too... even though I work on 4 blogs, I'll do my best (=

Friday, September 10, 2010

Another Author...again

Hi people!
I'm another author on the Unni Gang blog!
You should come visit it, but I'll still post on my other 2 blogs as well! :D

The one and onlyyyyyy..................JULIAGRAPE :D


Hey guys....ever wonder why Chocolate is always so full unless there is a party somewhere else? Why is Chocolate their favorite City? Aren't they all the same? I wonder why....
Maybe we should start going in like Milky Way or something.... Lets try it out! :D


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hey everyone!
Yayyy! I got a you can see if I'm offline or online :D
Should I get a mod tracker as well?

I'm a new author!

Hey guys!
I'm an author on another blog! The
But don't worry, I'll still post on here too!
Ok, well that's it...see you soon!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

National Sock day Party

Hey everyone :D The National Sock day party was GREAT! If only it rained socks...that would have been something, huh? Ok so thanks to everyone that came! I hope you had a great time! (= I know I had a great time too!

Ok, so other than that, It was my first day of school toaday! THE SCHOOL IS HUGE! It's soo cool though! My homeroom teacher is SOOO nice, and so is my art teacher! My s.s. teacher is really nice too! My math teacher it ok, not the P.E. teacher is super nice also! So even though I got lost a couple times inbetween classes, it was still a great first day! And, I even made a new friend, and my locker is like right next to hers :D And................................................... I HAVE THE SAME LUNCH PERIOD AS ALMOST ALL MY FRIENDS :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

National Sock Day!

Hey guys! Today is a very special day...IT'S NATIONAL SOCK DAY!
I've been telling everyone on Chobots that it's National Sock Day... so lets have a National Sock Day party!!!!! :D Meet me on Chobots tonight and we'll P-A-R-T-Y!!!

BTW-On National Sock Day you HAVE to wear socks ALL DAY...and if you don't the National Sock Day MONSTER will get you in your sleep!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Scool Starts

I know many of you already started school, but I didn't yet...I start school on wednesday. I'm so scared because I'm going to a new school! But I'm in the same homeroom as a lot of my friends so that makes me feel better :D I hope everyone enjoys the school year! (=

Happy Birthday Vit!

Today is Vit's Birthday! He's 800!! I'm only!
So just wish Vit a happy birthday! Happy birthday Vit!

Btw-Do you like the new template? (=

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Its been FOREVER!

Oh my goodness! I dont think I've been on my blog, or on Chobots for like 3 months! Im sorry! I totally forgot about everything, because of the stressfull things going on in my life...D:
So I've missed everyone! Chobots changed a lot since I was last on! I hope some people still visit my blog! (=

AKA- Llama Lady & Da Grape

Friday, June 4, 2010

Schools Out!

Hey guys!
It's finally June and school is almost out! So why not have a party about it? How about June 15th we have a schools out party?! Lets say...maybe 1:00 cho-time?
I hope all you folks can come! Bye!

Da Big Grape
The Llama Lady
Thpe one and only...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Something Wrong With The Link

Hey guys!
Something so weird is going on with my computer. Whenever I try to come onto my blog, it says, "wrong link" which I dont really know what it means, but it can't mean anything good. It finally worked today! So that's why I've haven't posted, sorry! I have been on Chobots, but no one is ever on! All my really close friends sent me messages saying the quit! And most of them is either their parents dosen't want them on or D-R-A-M-A!!!! I can't tell you how much drama is going on in my school, I can't even name it all! Then randomly Chobots has drama? Is there any place that dosen't have Drama? Goodness! Lol, well gotta go, bye!!

Juliagrape (=

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Hai guys!
Ugh, school is all I think about now! Annoying tests, projects, blah, blah, sorry I've haven't posted!
I've haven't been on Chobots either in a little while, how is everything? Any updates? Coment please!

See ya in Chobots,
Da Grape =]

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another Blog

Hey guys! Sorry I've haven't posted in a while...
Anyway, here is another cool blog that my friend just made! She needs followers, so please visit! The blog name is:
Also, I will be putting up another poll!
Okay, well that's all for now! Byeee!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

New clothes!

Hey guys =] Sorry I've haven't posted in a while!
So remember the Coming Soon clothes I was talking about? Well, most of them are out! The dress is out, the hair is out, and I'm pretty sure the jet-pack is out too. till ya drop!!!
Also, I will be putting a new poll up now. Vote please!!!

Da Grape

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wrong answer!

Sorry, I meant the "There's new clothes?" answer won the clothes poll.
Yes, there are. Check it out!

All different things -.-

Hi guys! Long time, no post! Sorry!
So as citizens know, there are new items (very cool ones) for citizens that are coming soon. You can take a look at them in the Citizen Location.
Now Non-Citizens can buy color showers! Very cool!
The new agent poll is coming soon on the offical Chobots Blog so visit that and recommend!
The clothes poll closed and I think yes wins! So thats good =]] I am putting a new poll up soon!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mod Party!

Hey guys! This is the 55th post! WOOT!
Today in the shop, there was a big mod party! Sapfira was there. She's one of the nicest mods I've seen. She rained a lot of very rare items, did lots of cute magic, and actually talked! Lol! The only thing is, I've never heard of her! Is she new? Or am I just lost? Comment!
I don't have a pic, but I bet ya other blogs do. I completely forgot about the pic. Oh well... I'll see you guys later! Bye!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Party

Hey guys! Thanks for coming to the Valentine's Day Party!!! It was GREAT! A mod came, there was lots of magic, and some rain! It was so fun, and it seemed like everyone had a good time. I also hope everyone had a very happy Valentine's Day! I know I did!
I also wanted to ask you guys to please invite your friends to this blog. I really need followers, it would be great! Thanks for the help!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day!

We're going to have a Valentine's Party today and it's gonna be great! I hope you can make it!

So have a great, awesome, loveing, and nice V-Day with family and friends! Byee!!! =]]

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Heeeeeeeellllloo everyone!
I just wanted to warn you guys about scammers and hackers. They're all over the place now! One time someone asked me if I wanted to become a mod, and if I did I would have to give her my password. I knew it was a scam. So be smart and trust no one!!!!!

400th B day!

Hey everyyyonnneee!!!
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came to my 400th b day party!! It was great!!!!!!
And also a special thanks to la09 for recording my b day party!! Thanks!
So anyways, it was a great party...all because of the great friends I have! Thank you!!!! Bye =]]

(Da Grape)

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Location!

Heey guys! =]]
There's a new place, but it's for CITIZNS ONLY!!
I just became a citizen, and if I do say so myself, it's a pretty cool location! It's located under the citizen underground in the blue pipe. I don't have a pic of it, but if you're a citizen, check it out!
If you're not a citizen, become one if you can! Bye!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pet Contest

Hey everyone! There's now a pet contest on the Chobot's Blog. Te pets are on this page.
Good luck to all the pets and please dont cheat! Vote for the best on the Chobots poll.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Blog!

Hey everyone!
Here's another awesome blog that you should check out:
It's awesome! There's cool contests and updates. Leave a link to your answer for the contests he has by this Sunday... thanks! Bye!

New Chobot!

Hey guys! There's a new Chobot Design! It's cute, I actually like it better than the old one. Check it out!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The 3000 Bugs Contest

Hey everyone! If you've haven't been on the Unni Gang blog, there's a new contest. Whichever Chobot gets the most votes, wins 3000 bugs. Go to (no spaces).
Vote carefully! Bye! =]]

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Pet!

Hey guys! As you can see, I got a new pet for my blog. She's a pig and her name is Pinky Winky. She loves to play in the mud and this is how it works:
Keep clicking on Pinky Winky until she rols around in the mud. When she gets up, click on the spray bottle and spray her! She loves the apple too. Lol, it's so cute!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Woo, March is a busy month for me. I know it's still January but it's good to let you guys know early. I have a huge test in school, a big day in school, plus vacation to Disney!!!! (I'm so excted about that because I have a crush on Mickey Mouse. Shh!!!) Lol. My little syblings love going there and I do to... it's so much better than the cold weather I'm in right now! Well, that's all... just a little shout out. Bye!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Valentine's Day

Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on here... I've been so busy with school work!
So anyway, I just wanted to see if it would be a good idea to have a Valentine's Party on Valentine's Day! Of course no dating, but it will be fun! Comment or tell me on Chobots to see if we should have it. Looking forward to talking to you guys, bye!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mod Magic!

Hey guys!!! I can't beleive it, for about $7.99 in real money, they're giving you MOD MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rainbow, Snow, Lighting, and Rain. (Tell me if Im missing any). Dont have a pic, my printer button is really getting Anyways, it's in the magic shop. Click on the wizard and buy it! It's realy cool. Before I knew people could buy it, I always thought there was a mod. No I can't really tell the difference... =( Well, thats all for now, bye!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years

Hey guys! Happy New Year!!!!!! Can you guys beleive it's already 2010? Time goes by soo fast!! Lol! Thats why I wanted to have a New Years party tomorrow, January 2! Sorry it's a little late... Well see you tomorrow and hope you guys have a very heathy and happy New Year!!! =)