Monday, March 12, 2012


if you see this, please comment. thanks.(:

Did Chobots shut down?

Hey everyone.! Oh my mother of Bieber, it's been SO freaking long since I've been on here. I'm home from school, sick, so I had nothing better to do. Anyways, I tried going on Chobots but it like didn't load or whatever. And then my friend Emma tried it and she said it probably shut down. I was so upset. I had so many amazing friends on there that I'll probably never be able to talk to again. I really hope they come on my blog still, which I doubt they do because it's been over a year now. I doubt anyone will see this, actually. It really does suck if Chobots shut down though. I would really like to get in contact with my old friends. If any of you see this, please comment. I would love to stay in contact with you!
Well, that's it. I may keep posting but I don't know what about since I can't get on Chobots anymore.
Oh, also, I went on to the other blogs that I co-own and they still post about Chobots, so that's why I was asking if it really did shut down.
Please please please, if anyone sees this, comment or some how get in contact with me!