Saturday, January 30, 2010

Valentine's Day

Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on here... I've been so busy with school work!
So anyway, I just wanted to see if it would be a good idea to have a Valentine's Party on Valentine's Day! Of course no dating, but it will be fun! Comment or tell me on Chobots to see if we should have it. Looking forward to talking to you guys, bye!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mod Magic!

Hey guys!!! I can't beleive it, for about $7.99 in real money, they're giving you MOD MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rainbow, Snow, Lighting, and Rain. (Tell me if Im missing any). Dont have a pic, my printer button is really getting Anyways, it's in the magic shop. Click on the wizard and buy it! It's realy cool. Before I knew people could buy it, I always thought there was a mod. No I can't really tell the difference... =( Well, thats all for now, bye!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years

Hey guys! Happy New Year!!!!!! Can you guys beleive it's already 2010? Time goes by soo fast!! Lol! Thats why I wanted to have a New Years party tomorrow, January 2! Sorry it's a little late... Well see you tomorrow and hope you guys have a very heathy and happy New Year!!! =)