Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Awesome! Look it's chobot!! He rocks!!

Hiki wearing her own shirt?

Hey guys! Look at this! Hiki's wearing her own Hiki shirt!! BTW I wsh I had one.

Hiki's hide and seek game

What's up bloggers? Today at 20:00 Chotime, there was a HUGE hide and seek game hosted by Hiki! Not much of a game, more like a "Hiki add me!" party. (No offence to people that said that)Anyways, it was BIG! But I couldn't stay =-( my computer crashed and I didn't want it to happen again. Unfortunetly, I don't have a picture because I kept lagging. Those of you that were there, I hope you had fun!!


I got this picture in Jessie's blog. It's pretty cool. Anyways, baluga is a really good friend also. He's an awesome agent too! And visit their blog at

Become a citizen today!!

Hey guys! Become a citizen! Being a citizen is awesome. You can draw on grafiti and buy really cool items! One month is only $8.00!! Buy it today!


Snoopy ROCKS! He aslo rocks at drawing!!! Awesome job Snoopy! i wish I had more pictures of all his drawings, but if I do get some I'll post them up!P.S. This is from unnigang blog. Visit their blog at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We have some stylish Chobots!!

Woah! Nice job guys!!


Dorey is awesome. She's always there for me. Thanks Dorey!


This pic was from her blog and visit her blog at

Yay! It's me!!!
I'm 200 ;)


Happy 400th birthday Canab!!!!!

New place!

Yay! A new place! A BEACH AWESOME!!!!

New pet updates!

Awesome! New pet updates!!!!


Jessie ROCKS! She's on of my best friends.

Hiki Shirts

Hey bloggers! Do you have a hiki shirt? If you do, did you know that it says hiki on the back too? You guys probaly knew that but for those of you that dont, check it out! And I dont have a hiki shirt. =-( My friend, mcfreddy told me about it. Thanks mcfreddy!